Musik och från produktion i programmet Kultur- och medieproduktion på Malmö Högskola som jg deltog i hösten 2008. Vi fick i uppgift att presentera en annan klasskamrats livshistoria. Jag valde skriva en sorts operaliknande första akt av studenten Eva Neimantas liv.

(musik och text Fredrik Lindgren; sång Anna Aronica Lindgren)

ACT ONE: ”Introduction of Neimanta”

This girl was born and held
to the year of a supernova
In the sky of Leipaja
of the earth of Latvia

In a decade of age
or a decade of thought
She left her loved Eden
for a journey abroad

She taught and read and sang — for reason
She quickly learned the land — of Sweden
(in feelings she found her way)

In the Crown of Carl
she began to master arts
Cultural philosophies
new age digital crafts

A new dawning will glow
in skrapers of Malmoe
Hope and dream, the city mantra
perfect place for Eva Neimanta

She taught and read and sang — for reason
She ’s walked the crooked land — of Sweden
(in feelings she found her way)