Texts in English
The dangling conversion
We talk about nothing
And make it sound like pride
We want the god damn freedom
And God to be our guide
We preach about morals
And emblaze ethic rights
We bow to politicians
Then take the drugs at night
We see ourselves as equals
We set the records straight
Empathy is in our prayers
But we won’t give up the hate
We claim to be the prophets
Of the prophecy of hope
But the world is so much clearer
When it’s dangling from the rope
Our Earth is staked out dogma
We’re divided into race
The loved one is a traitor
The friend a mirror face
Concrete faith
Why bother chasing to emulate someone else's praised practices, when we won't bother to evaluate the belief-system that built them? Cloned method blocks will crumble without the hardener of conviction.
See you later, procrastinator.
Aunt Penny
I've been around a long time, and you know, when you've been around a long time, you see people who are older. And they've survived this very complicated life, that we've all been given, to figure out. What are we to do with it? We have these children, we have this...
The Convert
Exploiting the intro- and extraverts of the world.
Searching for materialistic authenticity = hipster. Searching for non-materialistic authenticity = ?
Things are pending so fast and changing focus without notice. So fast. Emotions are swiftly crushed into moments of fear, then spread out quick as lightning over time into bits of experiences. So weird. When all we have are thoughts, more abstract than graspable, what do we hold on to as reference? There’s nothing. Humans are provided all the tools to conspire grand imaginations, but denied the ability to comprehend the consequences.
Back to the future
New demo for #366: A life lived
Our new demo for 2013 is done. High energy and melancholy spread over three tracks or 18 minutes. You can listen to Exit Saved and Inner Room below: Exit Saved Inner Room http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmg7eES16jI The demo
New track ”Inner Room” on radio tonight
Our new demotrack "Inner Room" from our band #366: A life lived will be radio-streamed on Nebelwelten Radio tonight Wednesday around 19 to 21 CET. facebook.com/nebelweltenradio nebelwelten-radio.de More about #366: A life lived facebook.com/366alifelived...
Artikel om #366: A life lived på Side-line.com
Vårt electro/industriband #366: A life lived tillägnades en artikel i måndags på det stora belgiska online-musikmagasinet Side-line. Så här skriver de bl a: #366 A Life Lived might be a new band, the band members are far from newbies. They did hard industrial electro...
I haven't been so lonely I haven't been so cold I haven't been so angry Since before I wasn't told I can't mind I can't mind I can't mind no more I haven't been so dirty I haven't been so small I haven't been so fucked up Since I threw open the door I don't mind I...
Know way
I want to know What way to go To avoid the fear And evil I hear Crowded and hollow I just can't follow The simplest line To a silent mind What can you do To escape you? Repeating echoes Of final let-go's When fading starts In minds and hearts You know it's true What...
#366: A life lived released on cassette compilation
The song We Live In Trenches from our band #366: A life lived will be featured on upcoming release Deathdigger Disco by Dödsdans Rekords, a triple cassette box in late June. Read more about it here: http://dodsdansrekords.se/news
Clean sheets, dirty life
It's hard to hear much, the sound of life is so loud. Society street runs close and noisy in front of us, like a tv with full frequency range, without a remote. We step out on the rational sidewalk, lit with endlessly blinking and clanking machines. Middleway...
Black Urban Death
We're so close And the shell's so thin But the splitting and the grinding Keeps us whipping up the grin From across the shining street There's a perfect line of stares Filled with winding steps of faith And a blinding gaze of doubt It's so clear The breaking, stopping...
Ridley Scott och Blu-ray
Ridley Scott stödjer Blu-ray och jag håller med. /...Short of that, the technically sophisticated Blu-ray disc, of which I've been a supporter since its inception, is the closest we've come to replicating the best theatrical viewing experience I've ever seen. It...
Steve Jobs and creativity
Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address
I sometimes lost my keys as a kid. I notice the scale of loss has grown.
The Wanderer
Song by U2 from album Zooropa I went out walking Through streets paved with gold Lifted some stones Saw the skin and bones Of a city without a soul I went out walking Under an atomic sky Where the ground won't turn And the rain it burns Like the tears when I said...
Not semantics
Recall the slight but fundamental difference between attending a party and arranging it? Parenting is 20 years of the latter.
"He was staring at the instruments with the air of one who is trying to convert Fahrenheit to centigrade in his head whilst his house is burning down." - Douglas Adams.
The Belcebron people
"The Belcebron people used to cause great resentment and insecurity amongst neighboring races by being one of the most enlightened, accomplished, and above all quiet civilizations in the Galaxy. As a punishment for this behaviour, which was held to be offensively self...
"The Universe, as has been observed before, is an unsettingly big place, a fact which for the sake of a quiet life most people tend to ignore. Many would happily move to somewhere rather smaller of their own devising, and this is what most beings in fact do....
Fixa köket
Oerhört klarsynt av Dionne på Washington Post om health care-kaoset i USA:s kongress. On health care: 'Finish the kitchen'
Definition av människor 3
"She had spent her carrier attempting to make contact with the most remote and alien of strangers, while in her own life she had made contact with hardly anyone at all. She had been fierce in debunking the creation myths of others, and oblivious to the lie at the core...
Carl Sagan
"She was comfortable describing to him her snatches of memories, childhood embarrassments. And he was not only merely interested but fascinated. He would question her for hours about her childhood. His questions were always direct, sometimes probing, but without...
Eva Neimanta
Musik och från produktion i programmet Kultur- och medieproduktion på Malmö Högskola som jg deltog i hösten 2008. Vi fick i uppgift att presentera en annan klasskamrats livshistoria. Jag valde skriva en sorts operaliknande första akt av studenten Eva Neimantas liv....
Genetical and cultural evolution
Följande är ett utdrag ur en forumdiskussion mellan mig och den amerikanske, kristne medlemmen Joe Michaels om evolutionsteorin i allmänhet samt förväxlingen med skapelseteorin i skolorna i USA, Joe Michaels skriver: Man creates and we accept that. Look around us at...